Problems I face as a Software Developer

Saloni Kaur
5 min readMar 7, 2020

Below are some problems I have experienced at work (mostly working on large enterprise systems). I have attempted to describe and share some of the ways my team tried to overcome these issues.

1. Making technical decisions and forgetting why we made them.

“Why the hell did we do this, this way??”

Example: Have you seen some portion of code in your code-base where there is an obvious easy and simple way to implement something but you see that it’s implemented in a somewhat complicated manner. It’s probably because at some point that was the only viable option for the developer. Once you start refactoring this you will realize why it was implemented in the concocted manner it was.

Solutions tried by our team:

(Not in any order)

  1. Tech logs: Have a markdown file in your code base where we explained the decisions and some description. Helps to add date as well.
  • Depends on how it’s organized, might get messy though. Other developers are not quite aware of this Tech log and might not use it after a while.

2. Comments: Leave a comment explaining the decision very close to the code you feel other developers will find strange.

